Friday, May 14, 2010


Aaaahhhhh the PO Box: first refuge of a scoundrel.

I have a wart on my arm. So I went to the drugstore to get something to get rid of it. Apparently, the cure is to drip acid on it for 12 weeks. Isn't modern medicine wonderful?

When it gets to the point when there are so many keys on your key chain that you can't remember what any of them are for, is that the day you die?

My brother's family picked up a dachshund from the local shelter. His last owner dropped dead alone in the apartment with his dogs. They didn't discover his body for four days. Last Sunday during dinner I told my niece: "if I drop dead, don't let the dog eat my eyes".

Today I invented a new word: undicator, meaning; the opposite of indicator.