Sunday, February 17, 2008

thank you

Not much going on. The highlight of my day was when a poppy seed that was stuck between my teeth came out sometime this afternoon. Woopee! Twice as good the second time. Anyway, the day was not a total waste. I came to a significant revelation. If you can't tell from my coke bottle glasses, complete lack of coordination, and the fact that I have all of the Star Wars movies on DVD, including the original versions: I'm a dork. But I'm not the world's biggest, thanks to the makers of World of Warcraft. There are bigger dorks than me wandering the earth, posting screen savers of their characters on their computers at work. Openly, and publicly, discussing how they just became a "60th level elvin mage" last night, or how the "game administrators should take do more to stop people with cheats from ruining the game for everyone else". Thank you. Thank you god. For now I have people I can pity.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Hello. My name is Richard. And I have a problem. For I… am a chronic masticator. It has taking control of my life. And I am powerless to stop. I masticate before I go to bed, dream about masticating, and I have to masticate as soon as I wake up. I just can’t concentrate all day unless I do. I masticate anytime I get a few seconds alone but secretly it gives me some devious thrill to masticate in public. Anywhere I’m in danger of being caught just adds to my excitement. And though it may cost me my job, I masticate in my cubicle at work. I better stop. The day shift is starting to notice the stains! My self abuse problem has ruined more than just a few carpets, and all of my clothes. It has destroyed all of my relationships. They all say they’re into it, sometimes inviting friends to join in, yet they all prove to be amateurs, unable to keep up. And every woman I’ve ever dated always wants me to wait and masticate with them. And even though it may ruin it for them later, I can’t. Don’t they know it’s different for men? I know I’m weak. I’ve tried all the tricks to stop myself, like thinking about baseball or Rosie O’Donnell, but then it’s BOOM! At it again until my hands or so cramped I can only use my mouth alone – yeah, I’m that flexible. Usually, I can masticate with either my left or right hand. I’m ambidextrous. But that is nothing to be proud of. So everyone, take heed of my tale of woe. I have ruined my life due to my lack of self control. But judge me not, for I could be any of you. And after all, what do you think I am? Some kind of fucking jerk off?!