Sunday, February 17, 2008

thank you

Not much going on. The highlight of my day was when a poppy seed that was stuck between my teeth came out sometime this afternoon. Woopee! Twice as good the second time. Anyway, the day was not a total waste. I came to a significant revelation. If you can't tell from my coke bottle glasses, complete lack of coordination, and the fact that I have all of the Star Wars movies on DVD, including the original versions: I'm a dork. But I'm not the world's biggest, thanks to the makers of World of Warcraft. There are bigger dorks than me wandering the earth, posting screen savers of their characters on their computers at work. Openly, and publicly, discussing how they just became a "60th level elvin mage" last night, or how the "game administrators should take do more to stop people with cheats from ruining the game for everyone else". Thank you. Thank you god. For now I have people I can pity.

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