Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Another evening wasted, blown watching There Will be Blood. Fucking pointless. Not quite as painfully disappointingly pointless as No Country For Old Men, but close. You know, I could prevent so much suffering in the world if I became a critic. How's this:

Breakfast Club: 4 teenagers bitch about whose parents suck the most. Add a star if you were 12 in 1985.

Swimming Pool: Menopausal author writes a story about slutty murderous teenager with perfect tits.

Mr. Deeds: Adam Sandler wrests the gauntlet from Chevy Chase for the title of most painfully unfunny movies in a row, with yet another inconceivable flick about some over-achieving moron who succeeds beyond all logical possibilities. Wait. Which Adam Sandler movie are we talking about? Perhaps we should euthanize anyone the second they become a Saturday Night Live alumnus. Oh to dream…

And did anyone see that Metalica documentary that was making the rounds on cable a few years ago. It was like 4 mentally challenged children saw the movie Spinal Tap and decided that's what they wanted to be when they grew up, sans the intentional comedy. I'm being too hard again. How about prime time TV:

CSI: Miami: What the fuck's wrong with David Caruso's neck?

Ahhh I give up.

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