Wednesday, April 13, 2011


There having a talent show at work. And since they've told us that we're responsible for our own morale, it somehow reminds me that they had a band at Auschwitz. But anyway, since balding and the ability to produce copious amounts of cellulite and body odor, all while juggling work, home, and Internet porn viewing aren't considered by the snobbish and effete public as actual "talents", I don't think I'll be entering this year. Hmmm, maybe next year I could show them my wart collection. I've already got a pretty good head start.

...Oh yeah, I almost forgot. One of the ladies I work with, the actual woman I referred to in a previous blog, told me the other day that she was an ewok, the tall dark ewok, in Return of the Jedi. I guess that explains why she bows down to the fax machine and does a little "glub glub" dance every night at sunset. Just kidding. Really my inner uber dork thinks, hell who am I kidding? I think, it's fucking awesome!

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