Wednesday, May 4, 2011


After I win the lottery, the first thing I'll do, right after I change my name and buy an island with a mountain top castle complete with machine guns and electrified moat for my home for wayward bikini models, I'll run out to get my ticket for Virgin Galactic. Oh to soar among the stars and to touch the heavens! Come to think of it... what's going to happen to those passengers when they're exposed to plus eight g's, then negative three g's, then zero g's? Maybe $200 grand is a bit expensive just to be puked on by a bunch of billionaires. We'll all be covered in caviar and bile while we're to woozy to look out the window. And perhaps I should wait a bit? Ticket prices may go down as more people are exposed to this suborbital barf fest. Hmmm, I should re-think this. It really will be a sin if I suddenly come into a vast fortune and just piddle it away on unnecessary and meaningless indulgences. I shouldn't just throw it all away. Ok ok, I hear you. I don't really need the electrified moat. It's an island for Christ sake!

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