Friday, July 22, 2011


You know, sometime you catch the tail end of someone else's conversation, and it sounds so odd, so of the wall, you convince yourself that you could not have possible heard what you thought you have heard, and you then ask the participants what the are really talking about. So today, two of the ladies in my office were talking about... "cat rape". That's right, "cat rape". Having owned a few felines, and not realising that cat rape was a wide spread problem, I felt compelled to inquire. It was explained to me by both of these ladies that indeed their female cats had been "raped". What?! Really?! Was anyone I knew responsible? Anyway they both went on to explain that their cats had come home somewhat bruised after an extensive "gang bang". "Gang bang"?! How did they know it was a "gang bang". Did the cats tell them? Was there video involved? I asked how they knew their cats weren't into it? Maybe their cats were just sluts? I also asked the standard sexist questions like: "Well, what was you cat wearing?" and "Why was she in that neighborhood at that time of night to begin with?". I suggested that maybe the male cats thought "meow meow meow" meant "yes yes yes". I never had any problem with any cat I ever owned I said, because I taught my cats to dress more demurely, attend religious services, and save themselves for marriage. But... I did have a dog who used to wear crotchless panties but that's a different story.

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