Thursday, August 23, 2018


I’m sitting in a diner... Me: Is the Romanian Steak made from a real Romanian? Server: I don’t know. I’m new here. Swear to God. This just happened. ... My vacuum robot is programmed to sense when I’m in the kitchen and get underfoot. It’s just like my grandmother. ... I just met my friend’s new girlfriend. Turns out you CAN put lipstick on a pig. Deep red.


GrandLogistics said...

Hello The Bald Cuban Press,

I had a robot vacuum cleaner once,it really sucked.


GrandLogistics said...

Hello The Bald Cuban Press,

So,how was that steak?


Unknown said...

You wrote the following on my Youtube Channel, "Hey you in the wheelchair. Nobody cares. Work harder. Or you with other physical disabilities? Work harder. Or how about you with metal illness? Or grew up with little education? Or suffered physical and mental abuse as children? Or have unseen illnesses? Or already work two to three jobs and struggle to pay the bills? Well... all of you need to get off your lazy asses and according to Everyman Driver: Nobody Cares. Work HARDER!"

You're over thinking it.