Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So far, the highlights of my life have been: when I toilet trained myself as a toddler, and when I finally got DSL enabling me to download porn up to 100 times faster than dial up. Everything in between has been muddled and ill defined. I've got to speak to whoever's in charge. According to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe, white mice are pan-dimensional beings running the whole show. I don't think so. If that were true, I would imagine that I would run into them every so often. Let's see. Who, or what kind of strange creatures do I come across at odd occasions? Come to think of it, a couple of months ago while I was driving home on a dark and lonely road, I almost ran over a chicken. And more than a few times, I've found chickens running around my back yard. And you know, just this last Saturday, when I got out of the woods after mountain biking, there were two chickens patrolling around my car. Now, unless I fell asleep and some how woke up in Nicaragua, there's something strange afoot. Could it be that they're the pan dimensional beings pushing all the buttons... or maybe they're just pissed off that I go to KFC so much?

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