Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well, my last job didn’t work out. So I moved on to something a little more fulfilling. I purchase third world children for celebrities. And let me tell you, they have very particular tastes. Madonna’s looking for something in a toffee/mocha mix to match the Dupioni drapes in her west side duplex. And Christ did she fly off the handle when I suggested she try a domestic blend. On the other hand, Brad and Angelina are a little easier to deal with. They’re just looking for a couple of Indo-Guyanese toddlers to complete their living international chess set. Hold on. I have to take this call,

“Talk to me... NO, NO, NO!!! You tell mister Loc the going rate is 2 cows. And if he thinks he can do any better, remind him about the glut in the post tsunami market. Ok, ok. Talk to you later. Chao!”

Jesus, it makes you think some people just don’t want a better life for their children!

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