Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Another shocking experience of aging is seeing the ravages of time on all of the starlets and bikini models of your youth. When I was in high school, a guy I knew told me how to hot wire the cable box so I could get the Playboy Channel for free. What I got was an overwhelming vision of beauty, tame by today's standards, called the Playmate Playoffs. For a young male teen, this was months worth of "inspiration". The visage of one woman in particular buried itself deep within my cortex, a Playmate named Gina Tomasino. So, many years went by, mental images faded into long distant memory. Then last year, I was flipping through the channels and spotted a face on Housewives of Orange County. Why, who is that? Where do I know that face? Uh… Holy shit, it's her! What the hell happened? The tight little ass' became a cellulite field. The cute little upturned nose's become piggish. And the aura of "hot little thing" has become "wallowing sow". Jesus, to think I used to masturbate over her. The horror… the horror. Oh well, at least know I recognize the look I see in the eyes of any ex girlfriends I run into.

Yeah, yeah, I get it. Hey, you gotta write about what you know.

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