Thursday, June 24, 2010


This is a conversation I imagine that's going on in hell right about now:

Satan: "So evil minion, did you set up that movie marathon of the damned for Friday?"

Minion: "Sure did sir."

Satan: "So, what's playing?"

Minion: "All Adam Sandler flicks."

Satan looks at the camera, with a horrified look on his face, convulses slightly, and puts his hands over his mouth as his cheeks inflate. There's a muffled gag as he forces himself to swallow what has just come up.

Satan: "Wew... that was close. I threw up a little in my mouth. What's the line up for Saturday?"

Minion: "The Will Ferrel film festival."

Satan almost intantaneously projectile vomits

Satan: "Ooooohhhhh goooddd. Some things are too horrible even for hell. Oh well, could be worse. We could be showing Sex in the City 2."

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