Sunday, January 13, 2008


I would have to say that my personal style is somewhere between "contemporary slob" and "American fat-ass". So, you would think that if I went shopping for some everyday household item; say a lamp, that I wouldn't have any trouble. More specifically, all I needed was a floor lamp. Nothing fancy, just something that works, and is moderately priced. So off I went to Sears, the psuedo-Mecca of semi-white trash. What did I find? Exactly one, That's right, one. And $200.00 at that. It was a pretty big mall, there had to be more to choose from. Well, I had vowed never to go back, but being a towering mountain of jello, I next headed to one of the nation's largest purveyors of bad service with an attitude: Macys. After being ignored by at least five sales people, I found something that I liked, only $450.00. Whoa, going in the wrong direction. Across the mall again to Penny's. A place that's trying to overcome it's crap store reputation, and be as fancy as Macys. Good news! They are now surpassing them, because there were eight sales people who ignored me, and their prices were about the same. Looks like they're going for that "we don't give a shit and we're over-prices" niche too. So what's a poor boy to do? I have often joked quite accurately, that I shop for presents for my rich relatives at Lord and Taylor, and for myself at Wal-Mart. I must have the white-trash gene, because that's where I wound up. Now some day, I may die in an electrical fire that was ultimately caused by a previously agreed upon unholy alliance between the Chinese government and Sam Walton, in which slave labor would be used to make cheep, non-U.L. approved appliances, but at least I was able to find a lamp for thirty bucks. Oh well, you can't argue with destiny.

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